Neurotoxin for Excessive sweating 

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition driven by over activation of the sweat glands by the nervous system. Those affected by the condition sweat excessively and this can cause considerable discomfort and embarrassment. By using a small needle to administer serial injections of Neurotoxin injections into the axilla (underarm area) the amount of sweat produced by these glands can be markedly reduced to more normal levels.

from £450


The science bit...

Neurotoxin injections temporarily block the chemical signals from the nerves that stimulate sweat glands. When the sweat glands don't receive chemical signals, severe sweating is reduced.

Is it for me?

If you find that excessive sweating affects your daily life, this treatment may be for you. Some people may find that their level of sweating affects their choice of clothing, job or confidence levels. Most people who consider Neurotoxin injections for excessive sweating have had little help from over the counter or prescription antiperspirants.

How safe is it?

Your safety is paramount to us and Dr Sabrina only uses products that she would happily use on friends and family. Research demonstrates that using Neurotoxin injections to reduce the activity of sweat glands is safe and effective. It is a well established treatment and has been used for many years.

Common side effects, such as bruising and swelling at the injection site, are temporary and should disappear within 48 hours of the procedure.

What will it do for me?

Perspiration is a normal bodily function which forms an important part of homeostasis. Neurotoxin injections will not completely paralyse the ability of sweat glands to produce sweat, but will reduce their secretion to normal (more manageable) levels.

What happens during the procedure?

Dr Sabrina will use a small needle to administer a series of injections into each armpit. Treatment takes approximately 45 minutes.

Is it painful?

Most patients report that the injections are pain free, but some experience mild discomfort which at worst can be compared to a wasp sting. A local anaesthetic cream may be used to prepare skin in more sensitive areas (hands/feet).

How quickly does it work?

Most patients will notice an improvement between 7 and 14 days. Effects are variable and last between 4 and 12 months. Dr Sabrina will work with you to decide when further treatment is needed.

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Treatment summary

Treatment time: approximately 45mins
Return to work: approximately 24 hours
Recovery time: approximately 48 hours
Possible side effects: infection, bruising, swelling and asymmetry
Duration of results: up to 6 months

Not sure if Botox is right for you?

Contact Dr Sabrina to discuss how treatments can be tailored to your lifestyle, or perhaps find out more about how Dermal Fillers can achieve your desired outcome.

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